Thursday, July 24, 2008

MacroDay: Point

My Macro Day submission for Point. This was taken at Jenks Lake

Thursday Challenge: Yellow

This is my submission for Yellow on Thursday challenge. Ok, I know its a stretch but the leaves on the grape vine ARE yellow.

LensDay: Movement

My lensday submission for Movement. Taken at Hootenanny 08

Tuesday Challenge: Drink

Submitting this pic for Drink challenge. This is a pic of my little girl.

Friday, July 11, 2008

MacroDay: Ball

A couple round seeds at the Hungtington Library

TuesdayChalllenge: Ballons

Took this one at Ethan and Eli's B-day party last year

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday Challenge: Illumination

I really liked the way the sun was hitting these rocks up at Santa Rosa Plateau

MoodyMondays: Beach

These are some seagulls that were hanging out at Newport Beach when I went there with the kids.

PhotoFridays: Great Outdoors

This picture is at Jenks Lake

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Photo Sharks: Jump

For jump I'm putting up this picture of my son jumping off a log up near Jenks Lake.

ThursdayChallenge: Bright

For Bright I am submitting the sun breaking through the clouds on this hike up at Santa Rosa Plateau

LensDay: Circle

For my circle entry I am using the ceiling on the indoor gardens at the Huntington Library.

MoodyMonday: Shine

I like the way the light is hitting these grape leaves at the Huntington Library.

Unique’s Photo Challenge: Cool, Clear Water

Submission for Unique’s Photo Challenge : Cool, Clear water

This was taken and Jenk's Lake

PhotoFriday: Movement

Here is my submission for Movement.. ok ok its a bit of a stretch but the water is moving.
This was taken in Wawona near Yosemite.